Playing naked in Irene

You may or may not know this but the east coast just got spanked by a bitch named Irene. She tore through coastal town after coastal town, and quite a few not so coastal towns, ensuring that half a million women were unable to blow dry their hair this morning. So yes, there are now half a million women running around with dishevled hair. Another sign of the end of times. With winds topping 100mph here in Connecticut bushes and trees lay flat as their leaves whipped through the air. The Atlantic swelled and ate entire houses and beach fronts. By yesterday afternoon roads were impassable and the trees left standing loomed over post storm rubber neckers. Hurricanes. They’re scary. They’re dangerous. People lose their homes and loved ones. When we get the word that one is headed our way we clean up our yards, board up our windows, pack an emergency bag, and wait for the word to evacuate.

Irene hit the coast of Connecticut while most of us were still sleeping and continued to romp around until almost lunchtime. So glad she didn’t stay for lunch. As the minions and I did our best to occupy our time indoors, play hide and seek and making dinosaurs out of play dough and me desperately trying to start drinking at 8am, we suddenly noticed what looked like a large black flag flapping in the window by the table. “Mommy! Look!” exclaimed Theo. Upon closer observation I recognized the black flag…it was in fact the grill cover evidently that’s what happen’s when you ‘forget’ to actually tie the cover down. “Stay inside minions, mommy will be right back. STAY!” and out I ventured to the back yard.

As I was pulling the remainder of the cover off the grill I hear, “Mommy! What are you doing?” It was Theo…in his transformers pajamas with no shoes coming around the corner of the house leaning at about a 45 degree angle into the wind. Before I could get two words out I hear “Mommy! This is fun!” And just then Pheobe comes sauntering around the corner as if it were any other Sunday morning in August. And she was dressed for the occasion. There she was, all 2 and a half feet of her, smiling ear to ear wearing nothing but Theo’s flip-flops.

As I rushed them both back inside I was once again reminded that she is in fact 100% my daughter and that I really need to start locking both of them in some sort of dog crate when I venture out into inclement weather.



2 responses to “Playing naked in Irene”

  1. Brilliant post. I loved the ending. More please!


  2. New reader. Mother of four, entrepreneur, Love it!


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